New Update For users
Hello Dear Users Now Free Registered Users Have 500GB Storage Space
Free Registered Users Can Download 300GB Data in 3 Days
Non-Registered Users Can Download 100GB Data in 3 Days
Hello dear Uploadrar admins
i have started to upload my files here and now that my balance has become $20, i have requested money and this is what i get in return
"Error Enter Payment Info in you account settings " and when i enter my Ethereum address in payment info, it doesn't do anything
so could guide me how to solve this issue
انا لا استطيع الدخول على حسابي
@wailamer why you can't login?
hola uploadrar que paso los 300GB?
hello uploadar what happened the 300GB?
Hello Dear Users Now Free Registered Users Have 500GB Storage Space
Hola, queridos usuarios, ahora los usuarios registrados gratuitos tienen 500 GB de espacio de almacenamiento
hola uploadrar que paso los 500GB?
hello uploadar what happened the 500GB?
Hello Dear Users Now Free Registered Users Have 500GB Storage Space ¿Where are the 500GB?
Hello Dear Users Now Free Registered Users Have 500GB Storage Space ¿Where are the 500GB?
hola pregunta no me sale 500gb que paso?
hello question I don't get 500gb what happened?
hola pregunta no me sale 500gb que paso?
hello question I don't get 500gb what happened?